Cornell High School

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Physical Info

General Physical Information
·    Physicals are a PIAA requirement. Physicals are needed for each sport season. To be valid they must be administered 6 weeks prior to the season.  Physicals are performed by Dr. Schneiderman in his office at the corner of 5th & Mulberry.
·        Physical dates will be announced on the morning announcements and will be posted on the website.
·        Forms are available in the Senior/Junior High Office as well as the Athletic office.
·        For the FALL sports season, physicals can be obtained in advance of the season, but they must be dated after June 1st.
·     It is the responsibility of the student and parent to be aware of the fall, winter, and spring sport seasons. Announcements are made for physical and for practice dates prior to the season.  Information is also available on the website.
·    The school offers the physical free of charge as a courtesy to the athlete. Families may go to their private physician if they so desire.
·        If you have any questions please contact the Athletic Director at 412-264-5010 extension 126.
Frequently asked questions
   Q.     My child had a physical for a winter sport.  Do they still need one for spring?
   A.     Yes, a physical is required 6 weeks prior to each sport.
   Q.     My child had a physical in December.  Is the physical good for the spring?
   A.     No, the physical must be acquired 30 days prior to March 3rd.
   Q.     We were not aware the physical was offered at school, and missed it.
   A.     The dates are announced via the school announcements.  Forms are available in the athletic office and main offices.
Q.      We missed the school exam, and our private physician cannot take us until after the official start date of that particular sport.  Can my child practice or tryout?
A.       The PlAA requires the exam as a condition to participate.  Until it is obtained the student cannot practice or tryout.